Research Proposal Review

For my research review I proposed following the subject of CRISPR. In the research I watch 2 informative videos, as well as reading an article. I learned a lot just by researching the history that CRISPR has. I look forward to seeing more scientific papers regarding CRISPR and its future use. Although this topic is relatively new, I see my research paper being on that has to do with the future possibilities CRISPR has. What are its implementations in our lives? What are things that people will try to limit with CRISPR? Should we limit the possibilities of CRISPR? All of these questions I see myself looking at in future research.

Image result for CRISPR


  1. To learn more about CRISPR, refer to the class schedule on the topic. Many of the questions you ask in your proposal are answered by Michael Spector
    ★Michael Specter, “Rewritng the Code”The New Yorker, Jan. 2, 2017. Long, but fascinating article on CRISPR.
    ★Podcast: “New Gene-Editing Techniques Hold the Promise Of Altering The Fundamentals Of Life”Fresh Air interview with Michael Specter, Jan. 12, 2017. (38 min to listen, or read the transcript - voice is better; easier to listen.

  2. At the end of the New Yorker article, click on Michael Spector, he raises concerns about gene drives involving CRISPR. Also related to your ethical concerns.


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